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China develops vacuum storage cabinet to keep quantum chips "fresh"
Edit:Baoxingwei Technology | Time:2023-03-22 14:19 | Number of views:134
据科技日报报道,中国研究人员开发了一种真空储藏柜,以保持量子芯片“新鲜”,并将其用于该国第一条量子芯片生产线。Chinese researchers have developed a vacuum storage cabinet to keep quantum chips "fresh," and used it in the country's first quantum chip production line, according to a Science and Technology Daily report.
安徽本源量子计算科技有限公司的研究人员利用高真空存储技术开发出存储柜,为量子芯片保持计算能力提供理想的存储环境。The researchers from Origin Quantum Computing Technology Co., Ltd. in east China's Anhui Province used high-vacuum storage technology to develop the storage cabinet that can provide an ideal storage environment for quantum chips to maintain their computing capability.
“量子芯片中的超导材料对环境高度敏感,很容易与空气中的氧气和水发生反应,就像食物暴露在空气中会被氧化腐烂一样。”本源量子芯片研发团队负责人贾志龙说。 ."The superconducting material in quantum chips is highly sensitive to the environment and easily reacts with oxygen and water in the air, just as food is oxidized and decays when exposed to air," said Jia Zhilong, head of the chip R&D team of Origin Quantum.
“如果存储不当,量子芯片就无法使用。存储柜可以为它们提供高真空环境,就像冰箱可以保持食物新鲜一样,”同时也是量子计算副主任的贾补充道安徽省工程研究中心."Quantum chips can't be used if they are not properly stored. The storage cabinet can provide a high-vacuum environment for them, just like a fridge can keep food fresh," added Jia, who is also vice director of the Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center of Anhui Province.
量子芯片是量子计算机的核心部件。与传统芯片不同,量子芯片需要经过复杂的生产流程。环境温度、噪声、振动、电磁波和小污染颗粒等因素会影响此类过程。Quantum chips are the core components of quantum computers. Unlike traditional chips, quantum chips need to go through complex production processes. Some factors such as environment temperature, noise, vibration, electromagnetic waves, and small contamination particles, can affect such processes.
贾表示,如果生产过程中或生产后的存储环境达不到要求,超导量子芯片会吸附各种杂质,其关键部件会老化,导致量子比特的频率一致性差,相干时间缩短,和性能下降。According to Jia, if the storage environment during or after the production processes is not up to the required standards, the superconducting quantum chip will adsorb various impurities, and their key components will age, resulting in poor frequency consistency of qubits, reduced coherence time, and deteriorated performance.
Article from People's Daily Online